New Branding is Released

On April 21, 2022, it was announced that Catholic Charities would be releasing new branding, but our mission remains the same: serving all those in need as Christ calls us to do.
About our new logo:
The Crucifix is at the center of everything we do and we put it at the center of the new logo. We treat everyone who needs our help with the dignity and the respect they deserve. Not because they are Catholic – in fact, the majority of those we serve are not Catholic – but because we are Catholic.
Christ’s self-sacrificial love stirs our hearts to serve our neighbor with dignity and love. Rooted in Christ, and knowing that everything we have comes from Him, we strive to walk alongside our clients and offer hope for better days ahead. Our front-line case managers bring their faith, hope and loving hearts each day and act as the hands and feet of Christ for those we serve.
The hand in the logo represents the loving hand of the Father and our desire for solidarity and togetherness. This supports our core belief that we are one human family regardless of our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be, and we welcome everyone with a goal to provide a warm hand-up to those in need.
About our new vision:
Our vision is an optimistic view of the role that we can play in our diocese:
Rooted in Christ, we imagine a world where each person is filled with hope for the future. We seek to support and inspire our neighbors so they can transform their lives by fulfilling their own God-given potential.
Achievement of our vision will be built on four pillars:
“Serving all those in need as Christ calls us to do” is our mission and the guiding light for our organization. This means being the living Christ - His hands and feet - to everyone we encounter. St. Theresa of Avila describes this beautifully: “Christ has no body but yours. No hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes with which He looks compassion in this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which He blesses the world. Yours are the eyes, you are His body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” This will be our mindset, each and every day.
For us, serving the community is about so much more than helping a single group of people. It’s about being a support system for every person in need, whether that’s giving families a path out of poverty, helping teen parents finish school through our ECHO program, resettling refugees, or providing seniors with employment opportunities with our SCSEP program. Wherever there’s a need that we can respond to, we will be there.
At Catholic Charities, our range of services include providing emergency financial relief to help a family keep the heat on, or avoid eviction and stay in their apartment. Our hope is that we can help our clients transition out of deep poverty so they can stand on their own two feet and lead a life of self-sufficiency. This means going a step further than emergency relief. It means building a relationship. Every situation is different and requires proper planning. The solution may include life-skills coaching and financial services to build independence, or perhaps mental health counseling to overcome personal challenges, or connecting people to the resources necessary to transform their lives.
There is no mission without adequate operating margin. There is no mission without a strong high-performing team supported with a healthy culture. We cannot fulfill our mission unless we meet with our parishes and communities and ask how we can help fill the gaps for those in need. We are committed to keeping our administrative costs low, so that the bulk of every dollar received goes towards our programs and serving those who need us most. We will work tirelessly to earn the reputation of being a trusted partner for you.