Recent Award Nominations
Ko Strong
Last week, several staff members from Catholic Charities were honored with nominations for distinguished awards, recognizing their dedication and leadership in serving the community.
Catholic Charities extends gratitude to all its staff for embodying the mission to serve those in need, as Christ calls us to do.
Lifetime Achievement Award Nominee: Ko Strong, a longtime advocate for refugees, was nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Welcoming Fort Wayne Awards. For 16 years, Ko has supported newly resettled refugees, offering assistance with English as a Second Language (ESL) programs and helping connect them to vital community resources.
Chan Aung
Emerging Leader Award Nominee: Chan Aung, the new Refugee Support Services Supervisor, was recognized as an Emerging Leader nominee, also at the Welcoming Fort Wayne Awards. His leadership in providing support and resources to refugees has earned him admiration within the organization and the wider community.
Luz Ostrognai
Amiga of the Year: Luz Ostrognai received recognition at the annual Latinos Count luncheon, where she was honored with the "Amiga of the Year" award. Luz’s commitment to immigration legal services and her leadership in the field has made a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals.