Postal Drive 2024

On Saturday, May 11, the Annual Postal Drive was held in Auburn. Our North Region office, located in downtown Auburn, was blessed to have collected 3,568 pounds of canned foods along with a few hygiene products for our Community Center of Caring Food Pantry.

Annually, the food pantry serves over 2,500 individuals and gives out over 70,000 lbs of food to DeKalb County residents who have fallen on hard times.

Thank you to everyone who donated and a big thanks to the postal workers who gathered the donations and brought them to our pantry.

As always, we couldn’t have done it without our great group of volunteers! We had several volunteers who could not lift but wanted to help so they made sloppy joes, pulled BBQ, cheese balls, veggie tray, and tons of desserts for the group.


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May Amazon Wishlist