Giving Tuesday Tips for Your Qualified Charitable Distribution

Here are a few ways that your QCD can make a difference at Catholic Charities (Tax ID: 35-1038653):

  • Support our Stability Services: Your QCD can help Catholic Charities continue providing food, utility, and emergency shelter assistance to families in crisis. 

  • Support our Counseling Services: Your QCD can help Catholic Charities continue to offer counseling services to people throughout the diocese especially in the thirteen Catholic schools we currently serve.

  • Support our Refugee Services: Your QCD can help Catholic Charities integrate refugees into our community by supporting our services ranging from finding housing and employment to providing health interpretation and school enrollment.

As the falling temperature and the holiday lights herald the coming Christmas season, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend offers our sincerest thanks for your friendship and support over the years. You make our mission of “serving all as Christ calls us to do” possible.

During this time of year, many people find themselves dealing with required minimum distributions (RMDs). If so, allow me to offer a wonderful idea and possible solution: turn your RMD into a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)!

QCDs are direct transfers of up to $100,000 per year from your IRA to a qualified charity. They can be used to meet your RMD for the year and are not included in your taxable income.

If you’re ready to make a QCD now, simply contact your IRA custodian and instruct them to make a direct transfer of funds to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Charities (Tax ID: 35-1038653), located at 915 South Clinton St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802.  Be sure to specify that the gift is a QCD.

If you’d like to find out how a QCD could work for you, please reach out to Matt Smith at 260-240-4770 or


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